PO Box 22446
Louisville, KY 40252
Phone: (502) 244-4400
Fax: (502) 244-0577

Phone Hours: 9AM to 6PM Eastern Time


Product Image Item Name- Price
.50 BMG LINKED API 50 caliber - 100 Rounds in ammo can

.50 BMG LINKED API 50 caliber - 100 Rounds in ammo can

100 rounds of .50 cal BMG API  USGI WW II linked ammunition.  This is packaged 100 rounds in an ammo can.  Each round is brass cased, non-corrosive,...


.50 BMG LINKED APIT 50 caliber - 100 Rounds in ammo can

.50 BMG LINKED APIT 50 caliber - 100 Rounds in ammo can

105 rounds of .50 cal BMG API and APIT USGI linked ammunition.   This is packaged 100 rounds in an ammo can, and every 5th round is APIT, armor...


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