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GM original 3919850 aluminum intake manifold


1 GM original 3919850 aluminum intake oval port manifold. This intake manifold was used on all early 1968 427ci 400hp corvettes. This intake was made by Winters and it is dated 8 - 16 - 67, August 16, 1967, on the underside of the intake. This intake has the oil splash shield in place, on the underside of the intake. There are no cracks or repairs to this intake, and there has been no modifications or internal chamber machine work done to this intake. This is an original GM part and it is not a current reproduction part. There has been absolutely no port work or polishing done to the intake ports or exhaust ports. If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call at 502-244-4400 or 800-718-3643, or email us at kyimports@earthlink.net. Thanks for looking.

  • Model: GM Winters 3919850
  • Shipping Weight: 30lbs
  • 2 Units in Stock

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 01 November, 2010.

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